
Public Talks

  • The topic: "Understanding trauma through the lens of Classical Āyurveda and the Hṛdaya or Heart"

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  • Integrative medicine uses a combination of therapies and lifestyle changes to treat and heal the whole person. So how can the ancient Vedic system, (which addresses the complete mind, body and soul to improve health and wellness) join forces with modern Western medicine? Sasha sits down with Jessica to find out.

    Listen Here:

  • Modern Āyurveda will often transpose vyādhis (disorders) of Āyurveda too linearly into an allopathic diagnosis. A common example of is when Prameha is id to be Type 2 Diabetes. Usually, this is not accurate and treatment is a failure due to lack in understanding of proper Āyurvedic pathology.

    In this presentation, various cardiac diseases are reviewed and presented from an Āyurvedic perspective.

    Listen Here: